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Mission & Goals
The Interfaith Coalition for Justice in our Jails' Mission
As members of the faith community, we are deeply troubled by the frequent incidents of abuse and the inhumane conditions at Santa Rita Jail. The harm to the most vulnerable and marginalized among us, especially Black and Brown community members, mirrors and reinforces broader social inequities and social injustice.
The fundamentally punitive system in place causes immense damage to incarcerated individuals, their families, and to entire communities. True justice can only be served when incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people are treated with dignity and provided access to programs that heal trauma, restore relationships, and encourage successful return to the community.
We ask members of the faith community to become informed about the conditions in our county jail and join with us to hold the Sheriff and other elected county officials accountable to improve these conditions and to decrease the numbers of individuals incarcerated in the Alameda County Jail.
Our Goals
ICJJ’s mission is to educate, engage, and mobilize People of Faith in strategic actions that hold elected officials accountable for the policies and practices at Santa Rita Jail and to advocate for effective alternatives to incarceration.
Our membership includes a variety of perspectives on the systems of incarceration, and we share the view that too many people are incarcerated in conditions that do great harm, increase the likelihood of recidivism, and fail to promote safety in our communities.
Have any inquiries on how to join our cause?
Send us a message with your name and organization!
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